
Pffthaha I don’t know what to do anymore.

WHo gives a fuck if someone sees, I don’t care anymore.


My moms going crazy.

My brothers pressured by my mom freaking out.

my dads still just as strict and pressuring. and even though hes changed for the better his presence is just terrifying…



UGH FUCK ME. I Can”T do IT ANYMoRE.  I just want to have a friend I can cry to. But there’s no one. N o one wants to hear their friend complain about cutting themselves, no one wants to see them cry. I can’t stand it. I’m so sorry for being annoying, plz just ignore it, ignore everything I’m so sorry I’m done I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so weak. I’m so sorry i cut on your birthday, I’m sorry and I can’t forgive myself for that. I’m sorry for being some fucking attention whore all the time. I’m sorry I’ll just hide it all. I’m so fucking sorry. Please I just want. help. I just. I just want someone who can be there for me. who won’t judge me no matter the fucking problem. If I raped someone, if i cheated if I stole, If i did drugs. I want someone who won’t judge me no matter what. but hey what humans like that. then theres me who’s trying to become this ideal human but it’s not like I can find someone exactly like me or actually just trust anyone in general. LMAO I’m so stuck up and no one knows, I’m so insecure but I’m just too prideful I can’t stand it. Lol I have so much flaws.

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